Aspiring writer

Anna Garb
2 min readMar 9, 2021


When I joined this platform, recommended by my instructor, I was not sure what to do. I know I love writing but what do the audience want to read? I thought I will share why I decided to stay in California.

At the end of 2019, I decided to relocate back to Albuquerque New Mexico. I lived there for six years and I found myself there after being married for 20 years. No family nor friends there just warm and interesting people. Of course, coming from California, everyone has questions and asking for advise that help them with their Business. But most of all I found a foundation for my dueling souls. I was able to kick the nicotine habit in the most conventional way, as buying nicotine patches and going cold turkey, was never successful.

Any who, I ended up staying here because when Covid-19 hit, it was scary to move. My boys were here, mother, father and sisters. I went to go work for a major grocery store and yes, it was outside of the choice of work I usually do, but I wanted to not have responsibility. Just show up to work and get paid. And of course, it was to not to talk to the only thing left in the house…my cat Romeo. I ended up liking my job and decided I can do this. As work went on, I became bored and longed to go back to running a business again. So I decided to go back to school.

The instructor made me feel like I can do this and here I am. What made me join Medium really is for me to create my short stories that I have such a passion for. In the coming weeks, I will share my short stories I wrote in my leadership class that afforded me to really retrospect and revisit the reasons and answers what is causing me to have writer’s block.

Hope to here your feedbacks on the stories I plan to publish and hopefully I can get a discussion started on analyzations of oneself.



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